15 fevereiro 2024

The tragic mask

George Santayana

Every one who is sure of his mind, or proud of his office, or anxious about his duty assumes a tragic mask. He deputes it to be himself and transfers to it almost all his vanity. While still alive and subject, like all existing things, to the undermining flux of his own substance, he has crystallized his soul into an idea, and more in pride than in sorrow he has offered up his life on the altar of the Muses.

Fonte (em português): Ziman, J. 1981 [1976]. A força do conhecimento. BH & SP, Itatiaia & Edusp. Excerto de livro originalmente publicado em 1922. George Santayana era a assinatura literária de Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás (1863-1952).

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